Saturday, February 19, 2011

How My Life Was Changed

 I grew up in a home with family that brought me to church every Sunday. Through their influence and the teachings at church, I learned that there is only one God that created the world and us. God has a son named Jesus that lived among humans, showed God's love for them, and was eventually sacrificed to save them from their selfish heart nature. Because of what Jesus did for all mankind, we can be exempt from consequences of God for our wrongdoing if we sincerely believe that this story is true and accept Him as our Savior, as well as ask for forgiveness for committing these selfish acts. When I heard this as a child, I thought it was an interesting story. When I was about 7 years old it actually hit me that it wasn't just a fairy tale like other stories I have heard; the story of God and Jesus is true! I was still confused about a few aspects of it all so I asked my mom questions about it, which secured my confidence in wanting to put my trust into believing that Jesus is real and that God loves me. Ever since that time, I have never doubted that God is real and that this story is true. However, I realized when i was in middle school that there is more to this religion than believing that it is truth. Not only can you have love for God and know He loves you, but you can have an actual relationship with Him, similar to how you have a relationship with a good friend. You can talk to Him (prayer), He can talk to you, and it is more fulfilling than any other relationship on earth. He doesn't get distracted or forget about you. He's always interested. Seeing as even friends with good intentions let you down once in a while, I figured this was a pretty good deal. From then on, I have been striving to do all I can do to live as He commands me to and keep in communication with Him so I can get to know Him better and show others the amazing friend that is available to them as well. My life has been changed because I now have purpose for living--to please Him and tell others of the wonderful things He has done for us, and continues to do for me on an everyday basis. I have reason to smile and stay optimistic no matter the difficult circumstances I face. The best part is that this isn't just temporary happiness. It is eternal joy.

(Theo202 Caner, Salvation)